Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A few more, and a sneak peek

Hi Bastian,
Just wanted to add a few more pictures from our visit with Beau/Trisha and families.

We couldn't get a good family shot at the farm that day but at least you look cute:
I love this picture of you and your Auntie Maria! She played with you for quite awhile that evening...
And here is just a shot so you can see some of our apartment. That's Uncle Tom holding Olivia and you're standing on my lap:

And without further ado.....here is the sneak peek! Thanks Aunt Trisha and Aunt Shannon for my costume!!

Love you!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Family Fun

This past weekend your Uncle Beau/Aunt Maria/cousin Georges and Aunt Trisha/Uncle Tom/cousin Olivia came to visit from Brooklyn! We had such a great time eating delicious local seafood and playing out in the autumn air at a nearby farm. Everyone couldn't believe how good you were and asked if you ever cry... you sure do put on a good show :)

I'm so in love!

Carrots and Milestones

Dear Bastian,
You are just shy of 6 months and very interested in what we are eating. So, this past week I started giving you whole raw fruits and vegetables just to hold and gnaw on, which you love. You've always had an intense desire to grasp things, and you used to get really frustrated because you would drop whatever the object was fairly fast. But lately your fine motor coordination has improved so the frustration has decreased thankfully. Just yesterday I let you try our butternut squash and applesauce also, but you were more interested in grabbing at the spoon and getting it to your mouth than the actual food. I've decided this time around I'm not going to push the purees too much, and just let you experiment with whole foods for awhile.

As you can see you have become very smiley in the past few weeks. Also you are very talkative! You are experimenting with alveolar consonant sounds such as in "da da" and "ta ta." You still use your bilabial consonants (/b/, /p/, /m/) but not as much, and you don't vary your vowels very often at this point.

I really feel like this has been a real milestone week for you, in terms of your increased vocalizations, longer periods of contentedness when put down or with different people (Dad included), and general happiness. I would have added sleep to this list but as of last night you are back to old habits. I did have a week straight of waking up only one time during the night, which was nice! In that time, one evening you actually slept the WHOLE night- from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. I could not believe it! Oh, and also concerning sleep, we moved you to your crib (in our room) this week. You weren't sleeping right up close to me anymore so not a whole lot changed with this transition.

Okay, good night!


Dear Bastian,
Well, here are a few more pictures of recent happenings here in Massachusetts. You are 5 months old and getting cuter every day.

First, a picture of our trip up to the Boston Temple, where we attended a 10-year anniversary celebration. There is a church meetinghouse at the bottom of a hill where the festivities took place, and then you take a short hike up to the top, where the Temple is. It was gorgeous, although, a bit hard to enjoy because you and Luthien were having a rough day. Here you can see that mom had to carry both you and Luthien up the hill- you were already strapped on to me, and Luthien insisted on being carried by Mom only. Somewhere along the way you lost a sock, but we made it!
After the Temple we went to the town of Cambridge, which we LOVED. I didn't get too many pictures but here you are all bundled up, ready to get in the car after our long adventure!
Below, modeling your new hat! I had no winter clothes for you, and you started to get a cold. You are doing much better now that I have some things to keep you warm in.
And finally, I love this last picture because I caught you mid- spit-up. You love to be on your tummy with lots of stuffed animals to grab at and bury your face in. Luthien often gets jealous and joins and/or disrupts you in this process :)
p.s. check out those original hard wood floors from the 1800's...gotta love the east coast :)

Love you,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New England Boy

Dearest Bastian,
So here we are. You are officially growing up as a New Englander, my son! I can finally say that we absolutely love it here in Massachusetts, and I think you do too! When we arrived in Rehoboth, Mass we were staying in the upstairs apartment of a very nice lady's home we met through church. If ever you got sad, we would just go outside and you would stare at the clouds and trees (yes, trees!) while I pushed Luthien on the swing:

We finally got our own apartment in the "city" of New Bedford, where you found comfort in the pillows from our old house:
And here you are, finally getting to enjoy some time with Dad. It makes Mom so happy that you and he are getting a chance to bond these days!
You have always liked to be held upright, and would get sad and fussy whenever we set you down...turns out you just wanted to be in the standing position also! We got you this walker and you LOVED it! The novelty has worn off a bit, but you still will hang out in it for quite awhile, giving mom a chance to do a chore or prepare food, or even eat without having to hold you every time :)
Next...a new friend! Mom met Kim at church and we have gotten along great! Here you are playing with her daughter Lucy at her house. Lucy is only a couple days younger than you! You two are so cute together because you are going through the exact same stages and your demeanors seem to be a lot alike!
And finally, a shot of our messy apartment that only just now has become more orderly, and you, sitting in your favorite seat, listening intently to your Daddy play guitar. Luthien liked listening to Dad play at this age but not nearly as much as you. I have mentioned that you are very aware of your senses- this is the case with music, and especially your Dad playing live. Love your expression here:Still more to share, but perhaps I will save it for another night, so I can get some much needed rest!

Looking Back

Dear Bastian,
I have neglected writing to you in a big way, I'm so sorry! First, here are some pictures from before we left for the East Coast. You have been growing so fast- you are somewhere in your third month here:

Only when I look at these pictures do I notice how blond you have become! You are still holding on to some of your ginger-ness though :)

And here are some pictures with a few of your baby friends during final goodbye playdates (you had just turned 4 months old:

First with your friend Jayden, who is exactly one month younger than you. Note your soaked onesie- I think I have mentioned before that you spit up A LOT. I stopped changing your clothes so often because it was to no avail.

And below you are with baby Everett (Beckam's brother/Emily's son), who is almost exactly one month older than you! You always get the same blank expression as soon as the camera light flashes, even if you had previously been smiling. Oh well...

You started to get sad here, but I want to show your identical onesies. You are so long, your onesies always pull at the neck:

And lastly, here you are saying goodbye to Uncle Kade and Aunt Carlie. I am sad you won't get to know them more, your sister loves playing with them!

More to come! I have decided to keep things short and sweet for you- if you want to read more of the juicy details you may take a look at your sister's journal. This is unlike me but I am going to go with the gender stereotype that boys aren't as interested in all of those details...

Love you my Bastian boy,