Dearest Bastian,
So here we are. You are officially growing up as a New Englander, my son! I can finally say that we absolutely love it here in Massachusetts, and I think you do too! When we arrived in Rehoboth, Mass we were staying in the upstairs apartment of a very nice lady's home we met through church. If ever you got sad, we would just go outside and you would stare at the clouds and trees (yes, trees!) while I pushed Luthien on the swing:
We finally got our own apartment in the "city" of New Bedford, where you found comfort in the pillows from our old house:
And here you are, finally getting to enjoy some time with Dad. It makes Mom so happy that you and he are getting a chance to bond these days!
You have always liked to be held upright, and would get sad and fussy whenever we set you down...turns out you just wanted to be in the standing position also! We got you this walker and you LOVED it! The novelty has worn off a bit, but you still will hang out in it for quite awhile, giving mom a chance to do a chore or prepare food, or even eat without having to hold you every time :)
Next...a new friend! Mom met Kim at church and we have gotten along great! Here you are playing with her daughter Lucy at her house. Lucy is only a couple days younger than you! You two are so cute together because you are going through the exact same stages and your demeanors seem to be a lot alike!
And finally, a shot of our messy apartment that only just now has become more orderly, and you, sitting in your favorite seat, listening intently to your Daddy play guitar. Luthien liked listening to Dad play at this age but not nearly as much as you. I have mentioned that you are very aware of your senses- this is the case with music, and especially your Dad playing live. Love your expression here:
Still more to share, but perhaps I will save it for another night, so I can get some much needed rest!