Monday, August 30, 2010


Bastian, I keep wondering, since we are moving you at such a young age, are you going to inherit the Massachusetts dialect?! It is highly likely, and will drive your dad nuts if so! I guess I'll have to homeschool you :)

I apologize for ignoring you with the pictures, time has been so limited lately. I hope to get some good ones once we get settled.

Your sleeping habits are always changing. Now you are going to sleep earlier but waking a lot more during the night. Some days you'll have a really long nap or two, and others (like today) you will nap for 20 minutes at a time. Eeek!

You are eating A LOT lately and spitting up a bit less. You are rolling more and more, and on the verge of giggling. I am so curious to hear what your laugh sounds like, since Luthien's is so distinct, and has been since she was a baby.

Sometimes I think you may be adding a consonant bilabial sound (/b/ or /m/) in front of your vowel sounds, but I'm still not quite sure.

Without further ado:
At 3 months, with baby Everett, who is one month older than you

And at almost 4 months, with your big sis:

Still in love.


1 comment:

  1. It's actually "Datmith," in reference the city, Dartmouth. Boston is "Bastin," which is very close to our child's name. And Law is pronounced, "Lar," but yet bar is pronounced, "Bah." This seems to lead to an apparent contradiction in the rules. (If there were any rules.) I am sort of a terrible snob when it comes to pronunciation, even though I am aware of the philosophical implications of this piece of my web of belief. I was raised by a Sheryl Swensen amongst other Swensens, all of whom are quite partial to the crown and the motherland. This partiality favors a method to clear and succinct language and grammar skills, when in the act of speaking and/or writing. We refer to Dickens, Milton and Shakespeare. Many English speakers are hilarious in this way. Why? The English language affords the most contradiction in the rules of grammar, spelling, and pronunciation compared to all other languages. And many English speakers would probably find the above mentioned authors to be unintelligible when read. This is where our elitist group becomes Vikings. "If you say it that way, we are no longer friends!" We would probably do just as well speaking like the characters of a Steinbeck novel, but I submit we do our best to speak with the dialect common in Noam Chomsky's or Susan Sonntag's writings. Nevertheless, let no one speak like those narrators of Vonnegut's books.
